Ep. 10: Trust, Risk and Leading Through Relationships with Sherrell Dorsey & Riyaad Seecharan

We’re here to reimagine who qualifies as an innovator and to provide practical tools to help anyone discover their hidden innovator. Hosted by Leigh-Ann Buchanan, this podcast features dynamic conversations and solo episodes designed to help you learn how to use innovation more adeptly in your day to day life. New episodes drop every Tuesday.

Sherrell Dorsey, data journalist, speaker, and author, and Riyaad Seecharan, CEO of Tesser Health explore how authentic relationships and our individual superpowers drive successful innovation. Our conversation delves into the personal journeys of both startup founders as they highlight the roadblocks, lessons learned and emphasize the importance of building social capital in a fast-paced business world. Together, we unravel the secrets to building deep, meaningful and value driven connections as well as how innovators will inevitably impact societal evolution. 

Join us as we uncover the key elements that drive innovation, the importance of cultivating intimacy in relationships, and the transformative impact of being a servant leader.


- Sherrell & Riyaad’s definition of an innovator

- The importance of authenticity in building meaningful relationships

- The pivotal role of trust and shared values in cultivating social capital

- On exploring personal innovation, identity, and superpowers that drive success 

- The need for innovators to challenge societal norms and address pressing global issues

- The impact of risk-taking and autonomy in fostering innovation

- How servant leadership and empathy build authentic relationships

- The power of consistency, honesty, and service in professional connections

- Why does the world need innovators? 


“The approach - there has to be a level of consistency. Honesty matters a great deal. Whether it's a client or a future client, there's a certain level of commitment there.” – Sherrell Dorsey

“The guy that figured out how to start the fire is the reason we needed innovation…The world has become more complex. We still have those fundamental problems that transcend who we are as a species. We evolve because of people willing to take risks.”  — Riyaad Seecharan

"Innovation is really about how to solve some of the most pressing issues that impact the human condition —- not the black condition, not the white condition, not whatever color, hue, or gender —- but we as human beings, those fundamental problems that affect us all." — Leigh-Ann Buchanan 


Sherrell Dorsey 

Website | sherrelldorsey.com 

IG | @sherrell_dorsey 

Riyaad Seecharan

LinkedIn | riyaadseecharan


Website I Leigh-Ann Buchanan 

IG | @leighann.buchanan

Innovation Currency is produced by EPYC Media Network; Video production for this episode by Videoworks


Ep. 11: Innovator Blueprint: The Influencer


Ep. 9: Innovator Blueprint: The Disruptor