Ep. 4: Resilient Innovators with Nadia Payan & Aryan Rashed

We’re here to reimagine who qualifies as an innovator and to provide practical tools to help anyone discover their hidden innovator. Hosted by Leigh-Ann Buchanan, this podcast features dynamic conversations and solo episodes designed to help you learn how to use innovation more adeptly in your day to day life. New episodes drop every Tuesday.

Guests, Nadia Payan and Aryan Rashed, explore intertwined themes: how resilience and embracing one’s innovator identity play a crucial role in understanding self-discovery. 

Nadia and Aryan also share their wisdom on overcoming impostor syndrome by navigating cultural identities, vulnerability, and collaboration. As our conversation unravels the importance of building meaningful relationships, learn how to uncover innovation’s transformative power shaping human connections and societal values at large. Join us as we examine new insights on how innovators cultivate resilient mindsets, harness their inner strength, and reframe conditioned perspectives of success. 

Tune in as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, where innovator empowerment helps triumph over impostor syndrome and enables us to embrace our true potential.


- On embracing innovator identity and personal growth

- The importance of self-discovery as an innovator 

- How impostor syndrome hinders innovation 

- Cultural identity and its impact on innovation

- On dealing with entrepreneurship, vulnerability, and collaboration 

- The essential role of establishing relationships with others in innovation

- On balancing values and vision

- The pivotal role of having a morning routine

- The importance of having innovators with humanitarian initiatives


“An innovator [is] someone who's willing to question, to look at things and see possibility of something else or something different.” — Nadia Payan 

“My belief is that it's more of a duty, not a benefit [on what] we have. Let's call it better technology, better advances. And it's our job to continue to innovate that process and to make it better off for future generations without sacrificing relationships [and] how we learn and process emotions.” — Aryan Rashed 

“I think the narrative piece, the culture, and the stories that we see [and] we're exposed to, help us define the way we build connection.” — Leigh-Ann Buchanan


Nadia Payan |  @nadiapayan 

Aryan Rashed | @aryan_rashed_ 


Website I Leigh-Ann Buchanan 

IG | @leighann.buchanan

Innovation Currency is produced by EPYC Media Network; Video production by Videoworks


Ep. 5: Using Constraints to Drive Innovation with Chad Bernstein & Marte Siebenhar


Ep. 3: Innovator Blueprint: The Connector